


The concept of renewals has been on my mind a lot this winter break, since I’ve been spending all this free time catching up on “media” (see watching TV until the wee hours of the morning). All my favorite shows are from the past (I didn’t want to say cancelled because then it sounds like it was just on air), and ending is just a sad, bittersweet thing. I just finished Veronica Mars (much love to Amazon Prime) without realizing that the last episode was the series finale. I did wonder how the writers managed to get all the major characters back, and applauded the way each character’s story was tied up, yet I still believed that creator Rob Thomas would continue the 22-episodes-a-season streak. So yeah, that was sad. But I still have the movie to watch, so there’s something to look forward to.

Gilmore Girl’s 4-episode-revival has been hotly contested, and I was pretty pleased with how it ended. Very full-circle, easy to scour online for conspiracy theories and whatnot. I do appreciate the subtle ties from Veronica Mars to Gilmore Girls, since season 3 of VM played right after GG in 2006. Even the unintentional ones, like the same guest stars.

The one revival I never thought I’d discuss hardly counts as a revival: Star Wars. I only first watched A New Hope earlier this year, after my friend’s insistence. I’m surprised I waited that long, but then again I was more crime than sci-fi as a child. I only bring it up because of the shockwaves Carrie Fisher’s death left on 2016 (as well as her mom’s sudden passing), and I can’t hep but wish I had watched Star Wars as a child. That way I could truly understand the magnitude of Fisher’s influence as Princess Leia. I was really enamored by her in A New Hope, and I was crying by the end of Rogue One, but all the movies in between would have really made me feel this moment more.

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